Thursday, February 9, 2012

LINQ -- how to pivot data usefull for charting

Extend Dictionary for var to have access to the extention function
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ReflectionIT.Training {
    public static class LinqExtenions {
        public static Dictionary<TFirstKey, Dictionary<TSecondKey, TValue>> Pivot<TSource, TFirstKey, TSecondKey, TValue>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TFirstKey> firstKeySelector, Func<TSource, TSecondKey> secondKeySelector, Func<IEnumerable<TSource>, TValue> aggregate) {
            var retVal = new Dictionary<TFirstKey, Dictionary<TSecondKey, TValue>>();
            var l = source.ToLookup(firstKeySelector);
            foreach (var item in l) {
                var dict = new Dictionary<TSecondKey, TValue>();
                retVal.Add(item.Key, dict);
                var subdict = item.ToLookup(secondKeySelector);
                foreach (var subitem in subdict) {
                    dict.Add(subitem.Key, aggregate(subitem));
            return retVal;
Use any var typed variable [L in this case] with your resultset
var result1 = L.Pivot(emp => emp.Department, emp2 => emp2.Function, lst => lst.Sum(emp => emp.Salary));
        foreach (var row in result1) {
            foreach (var column in row.Value) {
                Console.WriteLine("  " + column.Key + "\t" + column.Value);
        var result2 = l.Pivot(emp => emp.Function, emp2 => emp2.Department, lst => lst.Count());
        foreach (var row in result2) {
            foreach (var column in row.Value) {
                Console.WriteLine("  " + column.Key + "\t" + column.Value);

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